Showcasing Original Mesh
FaMESHed was born in May 2012 by the founder Cracked Mirror. We have always prided ourselves in display the very best of Second Life. We seek out new and old stores to showcase at our event.
In December 2015, Elvi Peppermint became the sole owner of FaMESHed and is responsible for all things related to FaMESHed. In October 2017, we rebranded FaMESHed into our new colours as well as new look.
We have an amazing team at FaMESHed, which is listed below.
Last but not least, it is pronounced Fah Meshed/Famished not Fame Shed.
The new look FaMESHed
Simple, Clean & Elegant
We unveiled our new colours and branding on October 2017, we wanted the design to be fresh and unique.

Elvi Peppermint
Ara Iridescent
Stef Nova
Head Moderator
Ryanna Foxclaw
ModeratorMeet The Team

Anashara Resident
Head Liaison
Tempest Rosca
Social Media Liaison
Aisle Aura
Azurah Cloud
Grace Sixpence
Head Liaison
Vidiasyryndethly Resident
Shyntylene Lauria
Senior Moderator
ModeratorThe new look FaMESHed
Something Fresh
Our brand new build made home at the event on November 1st.